*image from vistaprint
Hello everyone,
I am so happy to inform you that Doorway to Self has been working on transitioning to an actual website,! The website includes a Blog portion. Because of this, it is a slow process of moving all past articles from the site to the new blog/website, and both will be available to gaze at until all articles are transferred, completely.
However, new articles will only be posted on the blog of the new website, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled, at!
If you want to look at older articles, will be available for the time being until everything is consolidated on the new site.
Thank you for your patience!
Love and gratitude,
xx D2S ❤

9 June 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon

9 June 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon

Article and Photography by Rachel Leah Gerson at Doorway to Self

The moon moved into Sagittarius late last night where it will be tomorrow when the moon is full.

It just so happens that our lovely Saturn in retrograde is also in the sign of Sagittarius, which means that Saturn- which is testing our every whim, at the moment- is in the same sign as the full moon, which brings out the fullest sensitivity of our emotional bodies.

Expect to be triggered- the fire has been lit.

But don’t let that scare or deter you from living… Triggers are the gateway for growth. It is not until we understand our deepest fears and sensitivities- what makes us want to crawl away or fight, what makes us truly angry or disappointed in ourselves, what makes us sad and what makes us blame others for our own creation of circumstance- that we can truly learn ourselves.

Sag gifts us each bows and arrows to look our inner demons in the face shoot them with flaming arrows. We shoot in the dark, but when our flaming arrows hit our shadows- our trigger points, our demons- we light them aflame so that we can witness them- witness ourselves- in all of their messy glory.

This is the opportunity in which we can fully see ourselves. And I mean fully. All of the shame, doubt, depression, the things we deprive ourselves of, self-loathing, absence of love, full-blown hate, hurt, childhood wounds, adulthood wounds, shortcomings, “faults”- all of it. Because how would we appreciate the light without having experienced the darkest parts of ourselves?

Doorway to Self is challenging you, today!

Part A: Look at one thing (emotion, behaviour, etc.) that has been coming up for you, lately, that you truly dislike about yourself or about your life or about the way in which other people are interacting with you, and be completely honest with yourself about it. What do you really feel about this aspect? Have you uncovered your true feelings about it, or have you been attributing it to something else that is more complicated or petty?

Maybe you never felt truly “seen” as a child, and so it triggers you when you receive judgements from others, now, even if you may feel more accepted. Or maybe you were always told that you were “too much”, and now you feel like you need to be passive in most situations, which has been triggering feelings of anger and frustration at not being able to fully show up in the way that you would like to, or at not being accepted as your full, beautiful Self. The point is, dig deep. Sometimes we make things much more complicated by ignoring the root of the concern.

Part B: Sit with that feeling or new understanding. How does it feel in your body? In your soul? In your mind?

Part C: Let stuff come up! Cry! Scream! Yell! Shake your fists! Wrap your arms around yourself in fits of laughter! Give yourself the gift of completely surrendering to yourself. Move with your body. Move with your spirit. Move with your voice. What is it that you need to do to move into the full expression of this emotion; to truly feel it; to fully acknowledge it.

Part D: Make a commitment to yourself to be mindful of this trigger or emotion or reaction (or whatever it is you choose) in your daily life.

Part E: Make a plan of action to be able to transmute and transform through this.

Part F: Feel free to be witnessed in sharing your experiences! With friends or family, with yourself over video or in your journal, over voice memos or talking to yourself in the shower. If you have a really beautiful go at this and want to be witnessed in your story, Doorway to Self will publish the written version on the blog. You can send it in to

My biggest hope for humanity is that we can work as individuals to expand through our deepest perceived downfalls to be able to grow within ourselves- bloom and thrive as individuals, come together as a people, change the world.

We have each been given a bow and flaming arrow. The choice is yours as to whether or not you want to shoot it.


As always, my love to you all on this Vibrant and Potent Full Moon!

xx D2S ❤

Scorpio Full Moon, 10 May 2017 (and a bit about Saturn Retrograde)

Scorpio Full Moon, 10 May 2017 (and a bit about Saturn Retrograde)

Photography and Article by Rachel Leah Gerson at Doorway to Self


A lot of people have described the intensity building over the last month or so. And there has been a lot. I feel that this moon is the pinnacle of it, really. The culmination. And also the catalyst for what is to come. We are only in the baby stages of this Saturn retrograde cycle, which I only touched upon in the last article (here).

Saturn is all about facing your deepest and harshest shadows. It went retrograde about a month ago, and will go direct again in mid-August. For those of us who are not experiencing Saturn Return right now (an article about this soon to come), this has been, and will continue to be, a period of time in which we will be staring ourselves in the mirror pretty hardcore. When we look, the love is still in our eyes shining back brightly at us, but we can also see all of our deepest pains, regrets, and consequences.

The lessons that we may have thought we learned, before, are coming to seek us out again, just to make sure we really “got it”.

So what does this have to do with this Scorpio full moon? Well… Scorpio is the sign that takes things to the deepest depths. The core of mystery brought to experience. The core of shadows come to surface.

Water, water, water.

Water is light on the surface, and as we plunge deeper deeper down, the meditation becomes more colourful until we descend into its muted blues.

Psychically, it’s easier to “see” in the darkness. So we draw from the astral plane. We see ourselves from the outside in. And we delve into the parts we see need working on.

This is intense, folks. But if you hit it head-on, if you really face yourself and dive into your emotions and the way in which you communicate with others and the way it all feels in your body and the way that you… feel, in general, you will be just. fine. Especially if you do it with self-compassion, knowing that it is okay to be “imperfect”- that is what makes you perfect. It is okay to have darkness within you. To have things that you are ashamed of or even just less than proud of. That is what makes you human. Hold yourself through this, darlings. Facing yourself is the key to transcendence. Facing yourself is the key to growth. How can we grow what we cannot see?

This Scorpio moon will help to hold the mirror up for us to swim through during this period of Saturn retrograde. It’s that extra boost of energy to be able to go within and make a plan to sort through what we need to sort through.

Happy swimming. Happy growing. Happy shadows.

All of my love to you and more,

xx D2S ❤

11 April 2017 Full Moon, End of Venus Retrograde, the Beginning of Saturn Retrograde, the Beginning of Mercury Retrograde, and Understanding Portal Days

11 April 2017 Full Moon, End of Venus Retrograde, the Beginning of Saturn Retrograde, the Beginning of Mercury Retrograde, and Understanding Portal Days

Article and Photography by Rachel Leah Gerson

The Bottom Line 

With Mercury, Saturn and Venus in retrograde at the same time, what we are doing is looking at our patterns, facing our lessons, facing our selves, questioning what we really want out of life, discarding things that are not serving us, and having to put forth more effort into communicating with each other. The full moon in Libra falling on the 11th will illuminate all of this and help to bring it to a pinnacle where you can really vacillate with freedom between your choices before collaborating with your higher self, your inner knowing, and any astral friends (or guides or whatever you might have helping you on the other side of the veil) to make any important judgments or decisions you might need to make in order to move forward in the most direct and pleasing way on your path.

Judgment is an important facet of the human experience. We are always taught not to judge, but it is innate in our beings- it is how we understand who we are, where we stand, and who we want to be. It is how we learn discernment as to who or what we want in our lives. Judgment is how we keep ourselves in check.

This month’s full moon falls in Libra, the sign of the scales. Of weighing things out. Of discernment. Of balance.

For many of us, there are a lot of things to weigh out, right now.


Venus Retrograde

So much potency has been in place in our sky, as of late. Venus went retrograde on 4 March, giving us the space to turn our lives inside out to really look at what it is that we truly want. What is it that sparks our passion? How are we feeling in relation to others? How do we jive (or not) with sexuality? Are we letting our creativity flow the way that we need it to? Is your current partner (if you have one) meeting your passions and encouraging you to come from the heart in pursuing those? Are you doing that for yourself?

I find that when Venus goes retrograde, it tends to flip my world upside down, a little bit… or right side up, depending on how you look at it. It’s like lifting up a rock and remembering all of this stuff is under it that you forgot was there, or maybe seed started to grow that you never even realised you planted.

It is a time of change, a time of reintroducing the love into your life in places that have not been fulfilled, and a time of weighing out what it is that you really, truly, want in your life. Venus retrograde is Universe’s way of putting you back into flow with yourself, with serendipity, and with Universe itself, and it is also a way of helping you to rid your life of what is no longer serving you.

Interestingly to our aspects, Venus went retrograde just before the March full moon in Virgo, and will end just after this full moon in Libra as it goes direct on the 15th.

So it began with a grounding sensation in virgin territory– in newness; an awakening- understanding the power within ourselves as energetic beings. It then flew through the spring equinox where many of us were awakened by the changing equilibrium of the sun and excited to explore growth in a way that was transformational, watching the flowers bloom beneath our feet as we moved forward.

It continued its beautiful work through the new moon in Aries, where our drive was really instilled and our feverous notions realised (I will touch more on this below), and then it was nudged to really put into motion things that would help to tie up loose ends when Saturn went retrograde on 6 April (also talked about below). To make matters more intense, Mercury has gone retrograde today, 9 April, and is causing people to spend a little bit more time and effort on communicating. Perhaps, for some people in romantic relationships or friendships that are hanging by a thread, that extra energy needed for clear communication might just be what takes a toll on the relationship and brings it to a closing.

And with that, Venus’s retrograde is now finishing up its last act- wrapping up our comprehension of what we want to keep in our lives, what we don’t, and what we might want more of- as we come to this day of the full moon on the 11th– a portal day (also to be touched on, later), where the consciousness of where we are at as individuals in relation to the rest of the world will be recognised and understood in a way that brings new clarity towards who we are, what brings us joy, and what is holding us back.


This Moon

I don’t know about you, but I have really been feeling such a surge of energy and such a build surrounding this moon, even when it was new in the sign of Aries. That Aries spark lit my fire, and I have witnessed this taking place over the last few weeks in the lives of others, as well. So our passions have been lit, and our drives put into gear. And I feel that this drive has never been put into park since the gas pedal was pushed- that is the energy propelling this full moon.

All of this exertion that hasn’t even felt taxing in most ways- it has been energising, actually!- is going to continue to push full force until the night of this full moon where it will just completely open and expand! Universe has really been working to open us up and push us forward these last few weeks.

Everything has just been building and building! This is such an interesting parallel to this past fall… I feel that this same energy was taking place around the end of October and into November, but in a much darker and heavier way. This time, I feel that we are truly emerging with the first blossoms, and happy not only to see the light, but to run with it and see where it goes. Who knows- maybe we all just look like cats after laser pointers right now… or, we could also be like moss, following the light to give ourselves, and others, direction.

Like I said, this moon falls in Libra on an 11 day, which also has the energy of a 2 (1+1=2). Balance and duality are really key, here, with this moon. And the energy of Libra’s air will help to connect you to your higher self, as well, to be able to make important decisions.


Saturn Retrograde

Saturn went retrograde last week on 6 April– yet another thing positioned in our atmosphere to help us to reflect and understand what is and is not working for us in our lives at this point in time. Saturn retrograde is another flipper-upside-down state of life. If you are going through your return (i.e. if you are around the age of 27-30, 54-60, or 81-90) then you will have a nice little break from all of the internal work you have been doing surrounding yourself and facing your lessons.

But if you are any age other than those mentioned, you will probably be put into situations that will test you to see if you have really learned past lessons or not. This will likely be the case until 25 August when it goes direct, again. This means that you will be forced to make decisions and to use your discernment, once again, to form judgments on where you are, what you are doing, and how you want to go about whatever situations you may find yourself in. Are you repeating unhealthy patterns? Are you finding yourself in the midst of another toxic relationship? Are you having to renegotiate boundaries with the people around you?

Hopefully the full moon will help, a little bit, with giving you balance through the beginning of this process. It will leave you with the lesson and the energy of weighing out your options so that you will know how to do that a little bit more easily through the course of this Saturn retrograde action.


Mercury Retrograde

 If you’re not familiar with Mercury retrograde, there is an article written that you can find, here, to learn more about it. Mercury goes retrograde, today, 9 April, making it extra important to pay attention to how we communicate, and, really, to just be mindful, in general- it is easy to have misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and technological malfunctions.

But if you really pay attention and put forth the effort to be extra communicative with the people in your life, it can actually be a very gratifying and beautiful span of time. Just remembering to be grateful (which is an essential practise whether Mercury is retrograde, or not) can really raise the ceiling and make it so that technological and communication break downs do not happen as often, or even, maybe, at all!


Portal Day, 11

Lastly, this full moon falls on a “portal” day of 11. 11’s are gateways to the astral world, to higher self, and to inner knowing. They open up the psychic world to make it more accessible to interact with, should you choose to (or even should you not, sometimes!). The full moon is generally a time of this, as well, as it sheds light on the veil between worlds and opens up our third eyes. To have the two in combination makes for some very extreme psychic energy, and the retrograde cycles add to that portal opening, as well, as it adds to us looking at things in many different lights and shades of colour.

This moon is really a potent one, and an important one. I am sending so much love to you to be able to push through this and get everything that you need out of it. Just remember that in any circumstance, you always have the choice to emerge a better person.

Love, as always,

Doorway to Self

xx D2S ❤


Know Exactly Which Sign the New and Full Moon is in Every Month of Every Year!

Know Exactly Which Sign the New and Full Moon is in Every Month of Every Year!

Article written by Rachel Leah Gerson, Photography from Pablo by Buffer

As we are celebrating the first New Moon of the astrological calendar year today (27 March) in Aries, Doorway to Self has decided to give you a gift to help yourself sync up to the sun and the moon a little bit more organically. How is it that astrologers and astrology geeks (such as myself) know exactly what sign the moon is in when it is new or full? It’s a simple trick, really, if you can memorise the order of the 12 astrological signs- or at least know what sign the sun is in!

When we say that the moon (or any planet or the sun) is in a “sign”, it is because it is literally occupying the same space in the night sky as that sign. So, for instance, if you were born in the sun sign of Sagittarius, it means that the sun was literally in the sign of Sagittarius in the sky when you were born.

That said, let’s look at how new and full moons work, astronomically. When the moon is “New”, it is because it is travelling directly behind the sun in the sky, and cannot reflect the sun at all, therefore causing it to appear dark. Conversely, when the moon is “Full”, it is because it is directly opposite the sun in the sky, allowing the light from the sun to reflect across and bounce off of the moon’s surface to give the full shape gorgeous glow.

So, now, think about it.

If the moon is new it means that it is right next to the sun in the sky. And if it is right next to the sun then it means that it is in the same sign in the sky. So if the sun is in Sagittarius and we are in a New Moon phase, then the moon will be new in Sagittarius. If the sun is in Aries and we are in a New Moon phase, then the moon will also be in the sign of Aries. Easy, right?

Okay, so maybe some of you see where this is going, next. When the moon is full, it means it is directly across from the sun in the sky. And, if it is directly across from the sun and there is an equal number of astrologically significant signs (12), then that means that the moon will be in the sign exactly opposite that of the sun. So if the sun is in Sagittarius, the moon with be in Gemini. If the sun is in Gemini, the moon will be in Sagittarius. If the sun is in Aries, the moon will be in Libra, and vice versa. So the full moon and the new moon are in exactly the same signs at exactly the same time of the astrological year, every single year!

Quiz: It’s 27 March and there is a new moon. What sign is the new moon in? First look at where the sun is. If it’s 27 March it means that we are about a week into the sun’s transit of Aries. And if the sun is in Aries and the moon is new, that means the moon is in…? If you’re thinking Aries, you are correct! So let’s make it more difficult.

Another Quiz: It’s 27 March of a different year and there is a full moon. What sign is the full moon in? First look at where the sun is. If it’s 27 March it means that we are about a week into the sun’s transit of Aries. And if the sun is in Aries and the moon is full, that means the moon is in…? (The answer’s above if you don’t have the opposites memorised.) …Okay, so, if you thought the moon would be full in Libra, you are correct!

Annnndddddd we couldn’t let you celebrate the New Moon with this information and not give you a handy little chart to hang by your bed or in your meditation space or altar space or notebook or whatever it is you believe in or have or use. You can find that below!

Good luck and much love (as always),

xx D2S ❤


Here’s a little quick reference guide:


New and Full Moon Astrological Sign Chart

Sun                                                                             New Moon              Full Moon

Aries (21 March- 19 April)                                    Aries                       Libra

Taurus (20 April- 20 May)                                    Taurus                    Scorpio

Gemini (21 May- 20 June)                                    Gemini                    Sagittarius

Cancer (21 June- 22 July)                                      Cancer                    Capricorn

Leo (23 July- 22 August)                                        Leo                          Aquarius

Virgo (23 August- September 22)                      Virgo                       Pisces

Libra (23 September- 22 October)                     Libra                       Aries

Scorpio (23 October- 21 November)                  Scorpio                  Taurus

Sagittarius (22 November- 21 December)      Sagittarius            Gemini

Capricorn (22 December- 19 January)             Capricorn              Cancer

Aquarius (20 January- 18 February)                 Aquarius                 Leo

Pisces (19 February- 20 March)                        Pisces                      Virgo

Spring Equinox 2017, 20 March

Spring Equinox 2017, 20 March

Sometimes it just takes a little bit of sun and water to bring out the most brilliant blossoms from the prickliest of places. Spring is almost here (in the northern hemisphere, anyways), and the sun is out and the rains have come and will come. I am very much itching to crack my shell and poke through the goo and sharp edges to emerge into growth and sunshine. The Spring Equinox is a time of new growth and celebration; of emerging from darkness into light; of warmer effing weather (seriously, though).

Most of us have seriously felt that darkness this year, deep in our cores, starting in September or October or so, just at the pique of eclipse season and the Autumnal Equinox.

So now we emerge at the end of nature’s palindrome- It went Light, Equinox, Eclipses, Darkness, and now we’re going Darkness, Eclipses, Equinox, Light. Pretty cool, eh? Gotta love the patterns of Universe.

We have gone through the depths, this year, into our darkest, most inconspicuous shadows, shattered the glass on the reflections of the versions of ourselves that we no longer wished to embody, ended relationships, friendships, and dramas that were no longer serving us, lost loved ones, created new boundaries for ourselves and others, and learned how to face adversity by conquering our greatest fears.

And it was painful. And a little (or a lot) sticky at times. And then we collapsed into ourselves for a bit trying to process it all.

But the sun has come back into our lives in not only a more forgiving way, but in a more encouraging way. So now it’s time to take our latest versions of ourselves and bring that to the surface, both in vulnerability and in strength. We can move forward knowing that we are responsible for ourselves, and that only we- as individuals- have the “say so” in who we are, what we do, and how we process life.

            Not only are cactus flowers blooming, but holidays involving eggs are celebrated all over the world at this time of year- Noruz (the Persian new year), Passover (Jewish remembrance of leaving slavery for freedom), Easter (resurrection of Jesus), Ostara (Western European Pagan celebration of the Equinox), and more. There are many reasons for this, but one very pertinent to this particular article is the idea of rebirth. Eggs are round, signifying a cycle. Time is not linear, and we are never born only once in any given lifetime.

We rebirth ourselves every year. Every month. Every day.

Any time we choose to, we can take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and start over again on the next inhale. As such, we can also choose to crawl away into a new shell, again, for however long we need to take our time and space, and we can crack it open to breathe in fresh light and new air whenever we deem it appropriate or necessary.

            So what do you say- are you ready to crack open your shell and burst into the light of the new spring sun? Are you ready to watch the fruits of your heavy labour- emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically- from this last year bloom through the flowers emerging from desert cacti?

I, for one, am excited to burst forth with you.

Wishing you a happy Equinox, an easy crack at this exciting new cycle, and a gorgeous season full of bloom to come.

Much love,

xx D2S ❤

12 March 2017 Full Moon

12 March 2017 Full Moon

Written by Rachel Leah Gerson for Doorway to Self

Photography by Rachel Leah Gerson taken in Indian Wells, California, at Mt.Eisenhower.


I don’t know about all of you, but I’ve really been feeling this one build. Starting at about the half moon, I was already feeling the pull of the magic to come when full. I knew I needed to write this article today, though- the Virgo energy is already strong, and the moon doesn’t enter the sign for another few hours. I’ve been feeling a pull straight from my chest every time I see the moon, like she’s calling my heart to her.

Okay, so maybe that sounds fake and cheesy and half of you checked out at that sentence, but that’s just the way I’ve been feeling the last few days. I’ve caught myself looking into puddles of water at her reflection, or holding up wet palms to see her sheen on my skin, making me glow and see myself as divinity.  

There are two very distinct but intertwined energies at hand with this Virgo moon. The first is everything that I’ve been describing- an empowering of the Self, a delving into our inner power as individuals, and an understanding of the divine in the individuals surrounding us. We- men, women, and everyone in between- are powerful. We have abilities within us that are unfathomable, and we are beginning to realise our potentials as individuals and as a whole.

This is a time to go within, find your power, and burst outwards! It is a time for practise runs of unleashing of our truest, boldest, most inspired Selves, or even a time to quit the “practising” part and just shine the way you have been wanting to. If you are looking for permission to give the gift- to yourself and to others- of your authenticity, this year’s Virgo full moon is it!

It is also a time to recognise the power in others when they let their authentic selves shine, even if there’s only a glimpse of it glimmering in the moonlight. Our brightest selves shine when we let others shine, too, especially when all involved are being truly authentic to themselves and to the world around them.

The second part of the Virgo energy is the drive it instils within us. Virgo is very much about planning things out, discovering the best tactics for great return, and getting things done. So why is it that I say that these two energies- this one and the one of grasping your inner power and letting your authenticity lead the way- work so well together?

Well, most of the time, we work on ourselves and find our authenticity and our inner power and yada yada yada and we get excited about it and then we’re like, “What the hell am I supposed to do with this?” And then we get scared and the fear impairs our empowerment and we discontinue to be authentic because it’s scary and what if other people don’t accept me and what if they judge me and what if I fail and and and and!!

So… what happens is that you have the energy from the moon to help you grasp the gold inside of yourself and mine it, and then the inevitable “What the hell do I do with this” question appears, and that other energy bursts into you and the drive fills you and you’re like, “Okay. Here’s my plan.” And even if you don’t have an actual concrete plan, you’ll feel as though you do because the energy will leave you feeling solid like you do. So what happens then is that you feel confident in your confidence; you don’t fear it and you don’t get anxious. You just. Feel. Strong. And then you spread that energy outwards to others, and they know it’s okay to be themselves around you, too.

This moon will leave you feeling strong, yet peaceful in your strength. 

The Virgo air will be at your back giving you the strength and sparking your passion enough to let yourself soar.

            Take this time to notice yourself- how beautiful you are, inside and out. How courageous you are. How sensitive you are. How much serious power you have inside of you that you can use to alchemise your life. The winds of change are upon you, and you have full control over yourself and your life.

To turn a negative into a positive. To focus on bettering yourself rather than others. To conquer your fears instead of involving yourself in unnecessary dramas that you are using to distract you from facing those fears. To help others see the power within them. And to treat yourself- and love yourself- the way that you would like others to treat you. And to then treat them the same way.  

            Everyone has the potential to be silhouetted in silver- all they have to do is step into the moonlight.

Sending you so much love as always,

xx D2S ❤

Full Moon February 2017: Leo, Penumbral Eclipse, and Comet 45

Full Moon February 2017: Leo, Penumbral Eclipse, and Comet 45

Article and Photography by Rachel Leah Gerson at Doorway to Self

The mighty roar of Leo will be softened this full moon, and we might expect more of a cuddle from mama lioness rather than the call to show off our manes from papa lion.

That is because a penumbral lunar eclipse– when the earth’s outer shadow blocks the rays of the sun from hitting parts of the moon, making the moon look a little darker than usual- will bring a bit of shade to this full moon. And, with it still being early on in this “1” year (read more about what that means, here), our baby Magician selves might be craving and welcoming of some coddling.

Mama Leo-ness is here to do just that; to comfort us; to show us the love that dwells in our shade. The latter part of 2016 held space for us as a society to shed lots of skin and delve deep into the shadows. And while it held space for us to do the work, it did it very quickly in a short span of time without the additional time and space to be able to process it all.

This full moon on Friday 10 February will provide us with the opportunity to reflect and do some of the processing that we were not able to complete before. Perhaps the processing will bring with it a lot of gratitude, and maybe even a bought of sadness, and that is okay. You are allowed to feel sadness that comes with processing the loss or anger or fear or resentment or anxiety that you may have experienced during the last few months of last year.

It is really like a slow clearing out of an old closet: ridding yourself of things, but spending some last minutes understanding why these items were in your life and how they served you, mourning each item, and showing gratitude for all that the item has brought you in life, or how it has changed you, before delicately placing them in the discard bag.

Hold yourself through this, and allow others to hold you through this, as well!

This moon might also be a great time to gather with close friends or family for a chill-out evening by the fire in your sweatpants or pajamas. Just a general comforting, hanging out, and being in the presence of loved ones.

While the pique of the eclipse will be at 7:43 pm EST, there is also another major event to follow:

Comet 45 will be closest to the earth and visible (with binoculars or a telescope) in the east in the constellation of Hercules on Saturday at 3am EST, according to NASA. They say to “Watch for a bright blue-green ‘head’ with a tail” (USA Today,

So what does this mean? Comets are a combination of all of the elements: ice (water), the fire from the sun, debris (earth), and gasses (air), which makes them especially powerful balls of energy! It is said that comets can be helpful in aiding in the release of emotions, as well as the release of a collective fear.

The latter bit of that could prove quite helpful for those of us on this earth at the moment, especially those of us paying attention to politics or global trade. But the comet, overall, will serve as a strong emphasis on the release that this moon and lunar eclipse will provide us with.

And, of course, this comet will be passing through on 11 February, 11 being the portal number, representing the doorway between this earthly plane and the astral one. Basically, this is another added energy to be able to fully clean and clear everything out that you need to in every dimension! It will present a platform in which you will be able to see your life from many different perspectives, and look fondly back on any struggles you may have had to work through in the last 6 months.

So that’s all, my lovelies! Enjoy your lunar release, gratitude, and comfort. Much love and psychic snuggles!


xx D2S ❤

12 January 2017 Full Moon and the Grand Cross it Forms! (Extremely Rare!!)

12 January 2017 Full Moon and the Grand Cross it Forms! (Extremely Rare!!)

Article and Photography by Rachel Leah Gerson

This month’s full moon falls tomorrow (12 Jan 17) in Cancer, right after today’s lovely portal day of 11/1, bringing us into a state of emotional cleansing and release to expand the feelings of freshness this new year has brought on- not a bad way to kick it off, eh? We can emerge into the rest of our year refreshed and renewed, feeling much like you just got out of the shower and took a deep breath of the steam that lingers in the bathroom. And as the moon’s fullness passes, that sigh out of that steam can follow, leaving you feeling rejuvenated, leaving the past behind and the new you and the new adventures of the year standing in the mirror in front of you, and leaving you ready to embark on your next life “assignment”.

However, because Universe would not be Universe if it made everything easy, the full moon will make up the fourth point of what is astrologically known as the “Grand Cross”. The Grand Cross is formed when 4 or more planets and/or the sun and moon are directly across from one another in a position that forms a cross. This is one of the rarer star formations to occur in our night sky, and it adds an interesting load of energy to this month’s full moon.

The four opposing planets this time are the sun and moon forming one line of the cross, (since the moon is full, it is naturally going to be opposite the sun) and Jupiter and Uranus will form the other. As I mentioned above, we are used to the sun and moon opposing each other- it happens once a month when the moon is full. To have this coincide with the opposition of Jupiter and Uranus, however, and with all four objects in different signs is extremely rare and will result in an effect of alignment vs. tension.

The first point of the cross is the sun- our personalities. Thankfully, the sun is in the more grounded sign of Capricorn, and this will probably be the lesser of shadows that arises out of this astrological masterpiece, but, of course, that will vary person-to-person. The piece that we want to make sure of is that our egos are in-check throughout this time, and it is quite likely that they will be tested.

Because Jupiter is in charge of finance and business sector, where Uranus heads up the general idea of “progression” (more specifically in the areas of technology, personal and communal advance, discovery, invention, etc.), there is likely to be a big push-pull feeling surrounding whether or not you want to move forward in your business, job, career, etc., or in regards to your feelings about money: giving it, receiving it, asking for it, pricing, budgeting, etc. There could also be a push-pull in moving forward in business, in general- “Which career path am I going to choose next? Do I even want to move jobs?” Or, if you’re staying in your job, “Why am I here? What is my next step? Do I really want to take the next step that I’ve planned?”

Then, because the moon (which rules emotions) is right in between these two planets (forming the 3rd point of the cross), it can be a very emotionally intense decision making process. And oh- but of COURSE this would all happen when the moon is in the most sensitive of all of the signs. Check in with yourself to make sure that you are not getting too emotionally overwhelmed (especially if you have your sun, moon, or ascendant in Cancer- this is likely to affect you a bit more than others). Also keep in mind that if you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed by a business decision (or anything else, really), that it will pass; you will get through it!

To make things more interesting, Pluto will be at 20 degrees of Aries, the moon at 22 degrees of Cancer, the sun at 22 degrees of Capricorn, and Jupiter will be at 22 degrees of Libra, meaning that these aspects are well-into the transit of the signs they are occupying, letting these energies fully seep into us- heightened and intense! I also had to laugh at the fact that three of the four aspects are at 22 degrees transit of their signs- gotta love Universe and his antics! 22 is also the Master number for business gurus, which that business bit even more of a focal point. Master Numbers also sometimes bring about more or bigger lessons for us than other numbers might.

Another potent piece of information is the fact that it forms a cross. While, yes, within the cross there is the actual act of two lines (four aspects) “crossing” each other, signifying dissonance, there are also different ways of looking at it. The number 4- like the 4 points on a cross- is the number of balance. So though there might be dissonance, there is a balance in the energy that it is born within that dissonance. There is a groundedness to any fears, anxieties, or frustrations that might be felt during this time. In addition, the number 4 is of the elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, which is mimicked in the alignment of any Grand Cross, with ours specifically carrying the Sun in Earth (Capricorn), Jupiter in Air (Libra), Uranus in Fire (Aries), and the Moon in Water (Cancer).

Lastly, the image of the cross in Paganism and in Christianity symbolise love, trust, and faith. So even though some hardships- or “differences”, as I’ve been calling them- might present themselves to you in this time, remember that they are being presented to you with love, trust, and with a faith that you will get through it. Perhaps it would be helpful to have that same love, trust, and faith back towards our dearest Cross. The Grand Cross also resembles the letter X, which also happens to be the same image as the Runic symbol Gyfu, which translates to “Gift”. This is such an Important Reminder:


Every lesson that we receive- no matter how harsh, how painful, how scary- is ALWAYS a gift. Yes, every. Single. One.


Enjoy this Grand Cross and all of the Gifts it may bring. Happy first Full Moon of the New 2017 Year! I hope that it is as fruitful for you as it has been for me thus far- creativity and self-care have been through the roof!


So, so, so much love,


xx RLG ❤

2017: What To Look Forward To, What it Means, and Important Astrological Events Calendar

2017: What To Look Forward To, What it Means, and Important Astrological Events Calendar

Article Written by Rachel Leah Gerson, Magician Tarot Card I from Le Tarot de Marseille

Wow! 2016 was, well, a “doosy”, to say the least. I’ll refrain from recapping all of the differences (or difficulties, however your prefer to look at it) that the planets and the sun and moon have thrown at us like the unorthodox American election season, strange world events like the Dakota Pipeline ordeal, and the rapidity of over-evolving technological advance- we all know what’s happened. What’s gone on. (Though if you aren’t familiar with the planet or election bit, you can click here to read about it..)

As I’ve explained in prior articles, 2016 is a 9 year (2+0+1+6= 9), which means that we have been in a year of endings. The potential ending of Great Britain being part of the EU, endings of many lives of those nearest and dearest to us, endings of countless relationships, of jobs, of careers, of marriages, endings of ignoring ourselves and our thoughts and needs and feelings, endings of politicians as US presidents and of shadows being left to hide in the darkness- everything has been brought to light. So, naturally, in a year of endings, most of us are probably feeling preeeeetty done with it- I know I am. So… the next big question is, what does 2017 hold in store for us?

Well, 2017 is a 1 year (2+0+1+7= 10, 1+0= 1). 1, as it sounds, is the very beginning. We can expect to start anew. In Tarot, the 1 in the Major Arcana (the first 22 cards of the tarot deck) is the Magician. He represents creation, working through and solving problems for the first time, experimentation, art, and creativity. Think of a baby at 1 year’s old: They problem solve. Everything is new for them. They crawl around- or even try to walk around- and explore absolutely everything! The image I get, specifically is of a baby putting its tiny little hand in the air and grabbing at it- exploring; feeling; wondering; maybe even creating. We are those babies right now. The world is that baby right now.

We have been running and running and stirring and stirring and gallivanting around aimlessly to get here and there and for what purpose we don’t know and on and on and on… like chickens with their heads cut off for the entirety of 2016. Think about it- billions of chickens running around with their heads cut off. From aerial view. If Martians exist, they were having a good laugh at us last year.

But this year (oof, it feels good to type that) will be different. This year we will be able to stop and breathe for a minute. Take things slow. Explore. Explore ourselves, the world, the people around us, our skills, our abilities, our appetites… Many of us who quit jobs this last year will be looking into our passions; looking into what sparks us; what feeds us; what we yearn for- our purpose. We will become explorers of our own universes on every level- on the level of the Self, of interpersonal relationships, of communities, of countries, of the world, of the galaxy, of Universe; of Spirit. We will be crawling on all fours, eyes wide in wonder, jaws dropped in the efforts of excursion and drooling in the eyes of Entity.

This last year of 2016 has given many of us a special appreciation for what we have. For the earth. for our bodies, for boundaries, for our own power as individuals. As Warriors of Life. After all of our perceived hardships, we are less likely to take things for granted than we are to be grateful. And so we enter 2017 looking in awe towards the beauty of it all. We have opened the doors to 2017 to find Magick like we have never found it before. Our appreciation will skyrocket. Every littlest tiniest thing will be reason to stop and say thank you. Will be reason to take the time to appreciate. Every simplest meekest thing that we might have upturned our nostrils at in years prior will be met with shiny-eyed wonder and feed us, in turn, with inspiration. This coming year is here to gather information so that we can build, but in a way that we can feel comfortable waiting to build it all later. Because this year will allot us the time and space to be able to Just. Be. And Do. And Explore. And Enjoy- with joy and gratitude.

We left so much of ourselves behind this year.

It is time to fill ourselves back up-

and we might as well

take the time

to slow



enjoy it

while we can;

while we’re at it.

While we are given the


and time

to feel invigorated.


Some people believe that the 1 year commences as soon as the clock strikes midnight on 1 January. Some people believe that it does not actually begin until the astrological new year starts on the first day of Aries, in April. Some believe that it’s a bit of both- it starts on the 1st but does not change with the simple tick of the clock. It starts, but has a four and a half month grace period to truly set in when Aries begins. I am of the last belief, but you can flow with whatever flows with you. If you are feeling the last way jives with you, then the slowing down theme will really be present in the next four months as we are wiggling through, trying to find our way into this new year and these new bodies. Trying to open our eyes for what it seems is the first time. Or trying to look through newly opened eyes. In these new selves; in this new spirit; in these transformed societies.


Other energies to expect this year:

While, yes, 2017 will be a much smoother ride than 2016 was, we will still be asked, by the planets, to consider our shadows and keep them in our peripheries. Just because we took the time to do the work this year does not mean that we can forget the work that we did or why we did it. The bumps will be evened out with bliss this time, though, so we definitely have a lot to look forward to!

It seems like most of the months in 2017 are pretty smooth sailing, but the ones that are a little nittier and grittier are very much nittier and gritter. There is a lot of work jam-packed in the months we are supposed to take an extra look at ourselves.


Smoothest months: January, May, June, July, September, October, November.

Months where we might be doing a tad more work: February, April, August, the first 3 weeks of December.


Important Astrological Events in 2017


  8: Mercury goes direct. Communication will become clearer and technology will become easier to use. Don’t forget to bring all of the lessons that Mercury taught you through this retrograde cycle along the way or Mercury will be sure to make you relearn it the next time he lags behind our sphere!

28: Mars enters Aries. This is important because Mars is “governed” by the sign of Aries. In other words, if there is conflict, the energy is definitely there to be able to “hash it out” when the need comes around. And because Mercury has gone direct at this point, communication should be in tip top shape- it’s a great seguey, really!



  6: Jupiter Retrograde until 9 June. Keep a tight eye on your check books- are they balanced? Are you making sure that you are keeping your bank account up to date and in check (no pun intended)? This is not a great time to make investments, nor is it a great time for thrifty spending.

10: Full Lunar Eclipse in Leo. Remember all of those eclipses from last year, and how they made you take a look at your shadows? Well, there are many of them again, this year. But this year they come in a “new light”, so-to-speak. This year it is more about facing your fears. Becoming the version of yourself that is so powerful and inter-connected to your highest self that you are afraid to reach up and grasp it because you are afraid of your own wonder. This is especially true for this Lunar eclipse in Leo. What boldness and ferocity are you afraid to see in yourself because it is just that awesome, and you cannot bring yourself to believe that you could, in fact, just be that great?

26: Full Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces. Solar Eclipses can only happen on a New Moon, so that part is nothing special or new- I was only noting it. The sun is fire, and Pisces in water. This eclipse will allow us to fully immerse ourselves in our emotions. To really float alongside them and exam them, or maybe even dive deep- just make sure not to stay too deep for too long. Remember that you need to come up for air, every once in a while!



4: Venus Retrograde until 15 April. Relationships come into question. Sexuality comes into question. Libido may fluctuate, or the relation of emotions and sex might become different.



6: Saturn Retrograde until 25 August. In these 4 and a half months that Saturn is retrograde you will be given the opportunity to reflect on your Highest Self- what is holding you back from reaching it, and what could you do to move that block? This goes back to the theme that this year of 2017 is seeming to hold: Exploring the spiritual Self and the Self in general, and working through the patterns to be able to determine how to reach your most authentic Self in your highest vibration. However, for those of you who might be in your Saturn return (more on this in an article to follow at some point in time), you will actually be given a break from all of your intense workings on this topic during this time. Enjoy these few months off, because once they are over it’s back to the spiritual exploration grind!

9: Mercury Retrograde until 3 May. Refer to these articles here and here for information on Mercury Retrograde. This will be the second one of four in the 2017 year, though this is the only one that will occur for the entire period while Saturn is also retrograde. It will lead more to a different outlook on communication with the Self- an intrapersonal communication- as opposed to different communication with others, unless the communication with other illuminates certain aspects of the Self that you might not otherwise want to peak into.

15: Venus goes Direct. Thankfully, a few days after Mercury begins its mayhem, Venus continues direct and pulls us through the rest of the year in newly found love within ourselves and with others, as well as a healthy sexual appetite and expression. Creativity might overtake you in the best way around the time that this takes place.

20: Pluto Retrograde until 28 September. Pluto rules generations. Pluto enters the next consecutive time every time that a new generation is born, staying in each sign for 14-30 years. When Pluto goes retrograde, it is possible for the generational gap to become even more noticeable. Or, perhaps, every generation will have its own task to face in growing closer to their Highest Selves. Or maybe both. We’ll see what happens!



3: Mercury goes Direct. We can experience some better communication with our wiser more understanding selves until August.



9: Jupiter goes Direct. If you have a little extra to spend and are eyeing that new TV set, this would be a much better time to purchase it than anytime from February until this point. As long as you kept your finances in check during that period, you should be golden to carry on!

16: Neptune Retrograde until 22 November. Perhaps you might be dealing with your guilt or conscious in this period of time. Your spiritual beliefs also might be challenged or flipped a little topsy turvy. It’s only a different view of things. I’m not sensing that it will be anything too challenging. Rather, it might be interesting and stimulating in a way that it really makes you stop and think- back to that whole “Self Exploration” theme this year!



Nothing big to keep your eye out for 😉 Enjoy!



3: Uranus Retrograde until 2 January 2018. Your knack for creativity or invention might be put to a test. Don’t let this fool you- you still got it!

7: Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. Once again the Universe is putting you in the position of being able to explore the shadows surrounding your spirituality. What is it that makes you fly? What is it that holds you back?

12: Mercury Retrograde until 5 September. This is the third of four Mercury Retrogrades this year. The one that preempts this one happens completely within the same time frame as when Saturn is retrograde, while this one will occur with half of the retrograde coinciding with that of Saturn Retrograde, and the other half will continue after Saturn goes direct. This could potentially be the most fruitful of the Mercury Retrogrades this year, as the first half will create the container for working within the shadows of the Self, and the second half will be a fluid motion towards working within the shadows of our closest interpersonal relationships, as well as relationship to community, to society, and to the rest of the globe.

21: Solar Eclipse in Leo. In February we had a Lunar Eclipse in Leo. While the Lunar Eclipse helps us to focus more on our emotional shadows surrounding our ferocity, bravery, showmanship, and ego, the Solar Eclipse will help us to zero in on the shadows surrounding our personalities in these areas, rather than the sole emotions. We will be given the room to look at ourselves as a whole personality, and how we relate to others- how do they see us? How do we see ourselves? How do we want to be seen?

25: Saturn Direct. Spirit is back on track and out of (as much) question as it may have been since it went retrograde a few months prior. Get ready to astral travel and celebrate it! Those of you in your Saturn Return, get ready to get back to the grind of your soular work, and good luck, loves!



5: Mercury Direct. Communication is nice and clear for a few months- enjoy it! This is your nice break.

28: Pluto Direct. Generational gaps may once again start to close. Spirituality will start to be more aligned amongst the human race as a whole. We will have worked through a lot of our lessons in the area of spirit and will be feeling a lot freer and more willing to speak through our wants and needs in this area with others.



Nothing to mind 😉



22: Neptune goes direct. After Pluto went direct in September, Neptune is next to follow in opening the spiritual floodgates once again. Keep reaching for your Higher Self and basking in it. Some huge weights will have been lifted off of your shoulders between these two events, and you will begin to feel a lot clearer in your purpose on this planet, as well as more solid in your morals, your belief system, and your spirituality.



  3: Mercury Retrograde until 22 December. You know the drill. This is the last of the four MR’s this year- make of it what you can. Slow down. Breathe. Feel into your environment. Be mindful. Be compassionate towards yourself and others.

22: Mercury Direct. Home free! The rest of the year is smooth sailing from here, and the tension will also start to part more and more as we get closer to 2018 when Uranus will go Direct on the 2nd of January.


*Please remember that this is solely an outline of the year, and my own intuition on the year. When it comes to you and your life, your intuition is much more important than mine, just like my intuition is much more important to my life than yours is. If you feel that something I wrote does not ring true for you, then it probably doesn’t. Just because I have a career in this type of thing does not give me precedence or word over your intuition. Listen to your gut and do what you need to do!


Sending so much love and luck in this New Year of 2017!! May it be fruitful and joyous, and may you be surrounded by love. May your path guide you through many journeys to be able to fully explore the Magician, the Child, and the Fresh Start in you.


As Always,

xx RLG ❤